Sunday, November 13, 2016

Utilizing open source GIS Software (QGIS) in Conjuction with ArcMap Analysis Toolbox Near Tool to evaluate the presence of Food Deserts in Urban Escambia County

The initial part of this project gave us an opportunity to practice using QGIS so that we could import data, symbolize layers and compose maps.  Also included where the steps to create essential map elements.  This portion of the lab was a bit clunky since it was new software, the directions didn't always match the options on my screen and it was very glitchy.  I upgraded to the newest version rather than the one we were required to download at the beginning of the semester.  This reduced quite a number of glitches, but did increase the difficulty of following the lab directions as many software improvements had been made and the terminology was slightly different.  None the less by the time I finished Portion A I was confident I could tackle Portion B.  This Portion focused on the effects of urban sprawl and grocery stores as they affected the community's ability to conveniently access food, especially with no motor transportation.  I created a map illustrating areas that contained food deserts (no grocery store within one mile) and food oases.  I also included a brief explanation of the terminology as well as the statistical summary.

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