Part 3:
Utilize Data Driven Pages to Create a Map Book
A. Step One: Data Driven Pages
1. Save the existing zoning map as Zoning_DDP.mxd
2. Zoom to the qtmi_parcels layer
3. ArcToolbox/Cartography Tools/Data Driven Pages/Grid Index Features
a) Output Feature Class: Index2400 to MarionCounty.gdb
b) Input Features: qtmi_Parcels
c) Check Use Page Unit and Scale
d) Map Scale (optional) 2400
4. Select features from zoning that intersect Index 2400 and export to Zoning_Index
5. Symbolize the zoning using unique values. Be sure to include the descriptions of the zoning types found in Municode.
6. Make sure Parcels and streets are in map and symbolize appropriately.
7. Switch to layout view and use a premade template or one you created.
a) You will want a layout with a standard data frame and a separate strip for essential map elements.
8. Enable the Data driven toolbar, Cusomize/Tooolbars/Data Driven Pages
9. Add a short integer field names scale to the Index2400 attribute table; use the field calculator to set the values to 2400
10. Choose the Data Drive Page setup and mark the following parameters:
a) Index Layer: Index2400
b) On the extent tab click data driven scale radio button and choose scale from the dropdown box.
11. Insert Dynamic Text, Data Driven Page Number
12. Insert a new Data Frame named Locator Map
13. Copy the Index2400 and the qtmi_Parcels layers from the original data frame to the Locator Map data frame.
14. Within the Locator Map data frame, create a new feature class by right-clicking the Index2400 layer and exporting the data to Locator_Mask and add to dataframe.
15. Right click the Locator_Mask and select copy
16. Right click the Locator Map data frame and choose paste layer(s)
17. Rename the new Locator_Mask to Locator_Mask Current Page
18. Choose the symbology tab for the Locator_Mask Current Page
a) Make the symbol hollow with a black outline with a width of one
b) On the definition tab, click page definition button.
(1) Check the enable check box
(2) Choose PageName from the Page Name Field
(3) Choose match and click ok and then ok again to exit the properties box.
19. Open the symbology tab for the Locator_Mask
a) Make the color black with an outline width of zero
b) On the definition tab, choose page definition.
(1) Check the enable check box, select PageName from the Page Name Field and choose Don’t Match and click ok
c) On the display tab set 60% transparency
20. Change the Index2400 symbology to hollow with a white outline and width of one.
21. Choose Label and use Page name for the label field, Arial Black 20, Bold, labels on
22. Add dynamic text Date Saved and at least one more of your choosing to the map.
A. Step One: Data Driven Pages
1. Save the existing zoning map as Zoning_DDP.mxd
2. Zoom to the qtmi_parcels layer
3. ArcToolbox/Cartography Tools/Data Driven Pages/Grid Index Features
a) Output Feature Class: Index2400 to MarionCounty.gdb
b) Input Features: qtmi_Parcels
c) Check Use Page Unit and Scale
d) Map Scale (optional) 2400
4. Select features from zoning that intersect Index 2400 and export to Zoning_Index
5. Symbolize the zoning using unique values. Be sure to include the descriptions of the zoning types found in Municode.
6. Make sure Parcels and streets are in map and symbolize appropriately.
7. Switch to layout view and use a premade template or one you created.
a) You will want a layout with a standard data frame and a separate strip for essential map elements.
8. Enable the Data driven toolbar, Cusomize/Tooolbars/Data Driven Pages
9. Add a short integer field names scale to the Index2400 attribute table; use the field calculator to set the values to 2400
10. Choose the Data Drive Page setup and mark the following parameters:
a) Index Layer: Index2400
b) On the extent tab click data driven scale radio button and choose scale from the dropdown box.
11. Insert Dynamic Text, Data Driven Page Number
12. Insert a new Data Frame named Locator Map
13. Copy the Index2400 and the qtmi_Parcels layers from the original data frame to the Locator Map data frame.
14. Within the Locator Map data frame, create a new feature class by right-clicking the Index2400 layer and exporting the data to Locator_Mask and add to dataframe.
15. Right click the Locator_Mask and select copy
16. Right click the Locator Map data frame and choose paste layer(s)
17. Rename the new Locator_Mask to Locator_Mask Current Page
18. Choose the symbology tab for the Locator_Mask Current Page
a) Make the symbol hollow with a black outline with a width of one
b) On the definition tab, click page definition button.
(1) Check the enable check box
(2) Choose PageName from the Page Name Field
(3) Choose match and click ok and then ok again to exit the properties box.
19. Open the symbology tab for the Locator_Mask
a) Make the color black with an outline width of zero
b) On the definition tab, choose page definition.
(1) Check the enable check box, select PageName from the Page Name Field and choose Don’t Match and click ok
c) On the display tab set 60% transparency
20. Change the Index2400 symbology to hollow with a white outline and width of one.
21. Choose Label and use Page name for the label field, Arial Black 20, Bold, labels on
22. Add dynamic text Date Saved and at least one more of your choosing to the map.
The second scenario for our lab required that we evaluate parcels in Gulf County, update the base parcel data to reflect newly acquired property by Gulf County and split that property into two parcels. Since the purchased parcels were initially two separate parcels owned by an individual, they needed to be merged so that they could be later reconfigured to meet the Gulf County requirements. Once merged and the attribute table updated to reflect the new owner, we needed to use the short legal description provided to create the new configuration splitting one large parcel into two. This was done through the use of editing options, cutting polygons, creating straight segments and using length and direction flyouts along with snap settings. Once we "closed" the parcel we chose the Finish Sketch tool to create the new record on the map and in the attribute table. We were then able to add information to the new parcel and edit the acreage for the original and the new parcel. We then needed to identify parcels that were county owned, 20 acres or larger and vacant so that they could be reviewed for potential as the location for the new extension office. Using select by attributes we were able to identify the parcels which were owned by Gulf County. Since we needed acreage, we added a field and calculated geometry in our new Gulf County owned feature class. Using a query builder we identified only the parcels which were 20 acres and larger. We then joined this with the VICD (vacant-improved) Table to analyze for our final criteria of vacant. The final result was exported to the ExtensionSites feature class. The attribute table was used to create a parcel report showing the Parcel IDs, Owner Name, Short Legal and acreage.
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