Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Module 9 Working with Rasters

This module was all about working with rasters and the arcpy.sa module and functions.  We learned to list and describe raters, use them in geoprocessing, incorporate map algebra into the geoprocessing and use classes to define raster tool parameters.  Below you will find the area in which I struggled with the lab, my flowchart and my final raster result showing two classes, 0 and 1.

Which step did you have the most difficulty with? Describe 1) the problem you were having, and 2) the solution or correct steps to fix it. Be detailed with your explanation.
1.       I had the most trouble with the checking out of the spatial analyst extension.  Despite finding my code to appear accurate and the SA extension to be available my if else statement returned “The Spatial Analyst license is not available” from the else statement
2.       I carefully checked my code and the indentions.  All appeared correct.
3.       I confirmed within ArcMap that the extension was in fact toggled on, which it was.
4.       I closed ArcMap and ArcCatalog and checked the task manager to make sure nothing was open which would be using the license.
5.       I closed and reopened pythonwin, ran the script and received the same error.
6.       Online research indicated that this is a glitch and can often be resolved by rebooting.  I performed a reboot, but my script still returned the same message.
7.       Since I work locally, I tried doing the same steps in PythonWin on the Citrix server with the same results.
8.       I tried another reboot and when I still had no success, I rewrote the entire section of the script.  Success!

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